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Parent Teacher Organization

The Southwood Elementary PTO’s mission is to help elevate the school to a higher level with an emphasis on improving the school experience for students, their families, and staff.

Parent Teacher Organization duties and involvement include helping pay for field trips in order to alleviate financial strain on families, supporting teachers through volunteer support, providing classroom supply reimbursements to teachers, supporting students and families in need, providing staff with morale boosters such as food carry-ins and appreciation days, fundraising to meet student and school needs such as snacks during testing weeks and medical supply kits for field trips, organizing and hosting family night event, organizing and hosting the Spring Carnival, purchasing classroom supplies, and much more.

Involvement in the Parent Teacher Organization bridges the gap between home and school for students and unites the community as one large family, which in turn gives students confidence in their education and their school. Parental involvement in school strengthens the environment.

Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm in the Southwood Elementary cafeteria and are no longer than 60 minutes in length.